BS EN 295:2013
- Company licence number KM 560418
- Type 2B Standard Couplings (VSC and VLC)
- Type 1 Drain Couplings (VDC)
- Adaptor Couplings (VAC)
- Bushes (VBC)
- Extra Wide Couplings (VSCW and VLCW)
WIS 4-41-01
- Company licence number KM 560419
- Standard Couplings to 600mm diameter (VSC)
- Bushes to 600mm diameter (VBC)
International accreditation
- DIBT/MPA (Germany)
- VA (Scandinavia)
- WSAA (Australasia)
Complies to BS EN 16397
VIP-Polymers Ltd
VIP-Polymers Ltd operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of
- BS EN ISO 9001:2008 Company certificate number FM01685
- Certified to BS EN ISO 14001:2015Company certificate number EMS680793
The elastomeric rubber used in the VIPSeal coupling complies and is kitemarked to guidelins for pipework and pipelines under BS EN 681 Part 1:1996 Company licence number KM07729
Site testing specifications
VIPSeal standard, extra wide, wraparound, adaptor and drain couplings are designed to withstand air and water tests in the construction and testing of drains and sewers as specified in BS EN 1610.
These tests are required as part of the Sewers for Adoption (7th Edition) and Approved Document H of the Building Regulation April 2002.
Note: When used in conjunction with a water test, the end stopper should be securely braced.
Designed for life
When installed correctly VIPSeal couplings have a design life of 100 years – exceeding that of the pipe.
They are suitable for use above or below ground without additional protection due to the high quality materials used in their manufacture.
In certain circumstances where high levels of chloride or contaminated ground are present, either a protective tape or a coupling made from 1.4401(316) grade stainless steel will give satisfactory protection. (Please contact the sales team for further informantion)
Sealing System
In order for a coupling to perform well it needs to maintain an adequate sealing pressure between the coupling and the pipe. This is necessary to resist internal and external hydrostatic pressue as well as root intrusion. With VIPSeal, this is achieved by a relatively simple system of applying pressure to the elsatomeric sleeve through the use of tension bands. The use of a heavy duty single or multiple worm drive allows the radial sealing force to be equally spread around the circumference ensuring optimum sealing performance.