
A Journey to a better Future

Learn more about VIP-Polymers Sustainability and Corporate/Social & Environmental Policies

At VIP-Polymers, our high-quality products and services help to ensure that countless businesses across the rest of the world can depend on safe, efficient management of drinking water, wastewater, fuels and finally energy.

We recognise that everything we do contributes to all of these extremely important outcomes. VIP-Polymers are committed to raising the bar against several standards and policies to ensure that we are not only meeting but exceeding our legal, moral, and corporate obligations to our customers and suppliers, local and wider neighbourhood communities, our employees and, finally, the environment.

In addition to our policies, we also believe in maintaining a coherent set of values, which not only define the culture of our business but also how we interact with each.

  • INTEGRITY: Acting truthfully, honestly, and ethically in all the activities we carry out.
  • INCLUSIVITY AND OPENESSInviting and respecting the contributions of everyone through determination, teamwork, and valuing diversity.
  • COMMITMENT: Continually striving to work harder to exceed the expectations of our entire customer base.
  • QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE: Continuously striving to improve and further develop, to guarantee quality and innovation in everything we do.

    The above values not only determine our total commitment to all our stakeholders, but also ensure that everyone at VIP-Polymers can actively contribute and be proud of our ethical, responsible, and sustainable business.

    The following policies contribute to our corporate social responsibility commitment:

    • Health and Safety Policy
    • Quality Policy
    • Environment & Sustainability policy
    • Community and Charity Policy
    • Our People Policy
    • Ethical Trading Policy

    John S D Millar

    Managing Director

    Our CSR Commitment & Values



    Acting truthfully, honestly, and ethically in all of our core activities

    Inclusivity & Openness

    The contributions of everyone through dedicated teamwork and valuing diversity.


    To not only meet but to exceed the expectations of not just ourselves but also out customers.

    Quality Excellence

    Continuously striving to develop and improve in order to ensure quality and innovation in respects is maintained.

    VIP-Polymers are passionate about managing resources responsibly, engaging with the communities in which we operate, dealing fairly with all our stakeholders and remaining true to our overall vision and values.

    Below you can read more about our main policies by clicking on the logos.

    Environment & Sustainability

    VIP-Polymers work in partnership with our suppliers to promote effective environmental supply management, encourage sustainability and wherever possible purchase products and services that have the least impact on the environment.

    Objectives & Targets

    Minimise the amount of waste produced.

    Aim to recycle 90% of waste generated on site within 2 years, by implementing a number of waste management policy's and controls within the building.

    Reduce potential for land & water contamination.

    To ensure all oils, chemicals etc. are stored appropriately on site to avoid water contamination. To ensure all cardboard waste is stored appropriately to avoid land contamination.

    Aim to reduce utilities consumption.

    Reduce water & energy consumption by 10% within 2 years. To acheive this we will invest in more efficent products and look to recycle water where possible, and install more efficient lighting and enegy saving technology.

    Reduction in fuel and transport costs.

    A switch to EV Company vehicles, and a reduction in the use of vehicles using smart planning and encouraging better practices when traveling to maximise communication with customers while limiting journeys.

    For further information about any of the above, or to request a copy of our policies/documentation, please contact our 

    SHEQ Manager – Casey Graham 

    Tel: +44(0)1480 442516 

    E-Mail: casey.graham@vip-polymers.com

    Health & Safety Policy

    VIP-Polymers understands their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and will act positively to minimise the incidents of all workplace risks via our commitment to taking all reasonably practicable steps to protect the health, safety and welfare of our work force, service users and others who may be affected by our activities.

    We also recognise that the effective management of health and safety is an integral part of our overall business performance and should be an integral part of our employee’s activities every day. We expect that those employees and others who may visit or work on our premises, to share this commitment through the application of personal responsibility in complying with company policies and procedures and to understand that they too have a legal and moral obligation to themselves and to one another.

    The company is committed to:

    • Providing a safe working environment for all employees, service users and others who have access to the site.

    • Providing safe access and egress to all work places.

    • Providing and maintaining a safe plant and safe systems of work.

    • Providing adequate health and safety instruction, supervision and information for employees whilst at work.

    • Ensuring that all employees are competent to do their tasks and to provide them with adequate training to ensure their health and safety.

    • Consulting with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.

    • Preventing incidents/accidents and cases of work-related injuries and ill health as far as reasonably practicable.

    To ensure that this policy reflects current business activity and any legislative changes, the policy and its implementation will be reviewed, as necessary at regular intervals.


    Our People Policy

    At VIP-Polymers, we fully understand that our workforce is the fundamental part of our

    We are fully committed to ensure that championing equality and diversity; and investing in welfare and
    development are both key factors in creating a workplace that our entire workforce feel proud of, where they feel
    valued and endeavour to give their best.


    • Provide all employees with a handbook, which clearly sets our standards of behaviour, company rules, conditions, policies, and procedures.
    • Give equal treatment to all current and potential employees, regardless of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, gender assignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity or paternity.
    • Provide suitable training and development opportunities and support.
    • Provide a framework for regular employee reviews with their immediate Manager.
    • Provide a suitable working environment in accordance with our Health & Safety policies.
    • Take a “zero” tolerance approach to dealing with bullying and harassment in the workplace.
    • Maintain and enforce robust disciplinary procedures to ensure the fair treatment of our employees.
    • Maintain robust procedures regarding grievances and whistleblowing, and to promote the appropriate
      use of such procedures in an open and fair manner.
    • Provide appropriate support for employees suffering from medical conditions, and to assist in managing their return to work.
    • Ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities and all other procedures.
    • Provide adequate training for managers to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and in accordance with the company’s policies.
    • Comply with all matters relevant to Employment Law.
    • Ensure that all company values are clearly understood and fully adopted by all.

    Quality Policy

    VIP-Polymers understands the significance of maintaining a high standard of quality, and as such our aim is to excel by meeting or exceeding the needs of our customers in respect to product quality and services, ensuring the needs of the business and interested parties are always considered.

    To support this VIP-Polymers is committed to teamwork, employee involvement and development and will strive to continuously improve the quality of our manufacturing, technical and laboratory processes by adopting the Right First Time approach together. The organisation has a legal and ethical responsibility to conform to legal and other requirements and is keenly aware of the impact that it has on the profitability and success of our business.

    In line with the company’s strategic direction to ensure the continued future growth and security, we will monitor the policy and company performance using Key Performance Indicators were applicable, on a regular basis, setting both strategic core and quality objectives after considering:

    • Performance against previous years targets
    • Business development plans
    • Customer feedback
    • Outputs from Company and BSI Audits
    • Output from internal and existing communications/meetings

    Via the Quality Management System, authority and responsibility will be established. Procedures are maintained and controlled to ensure adherence to requirements.

    Community & Charity Policy

    At VIP-Polymers, we are totally committed to playing an active and progressive role in our local
    community and to help support charitable organisations, which share in our core values.

    Engaging in not-for-profit activities, demonstrates our commitment to Corporate, Social Responsibility, which in
    turn is not only beneficial for our employees, but also our customers and suppliers.


    • Ensure that our activities positively contribute to the local area community.
    • Freely engage with local organisations and representatives in the event that we may inadvertently cause
      any disruption to that community.
    • Support local education bodies with work time placements and factory visits.
    • Nominate appropriate charitable organisations that share both our core aims and values, and to provide support for them through charitable donations and publicity.
    •  Support our customers with their nominated charities through appropriate sponsorship and contributions
      for their charitable events.
    • Maintain a process by which employees can nominate other local charitable organisations for donations and support on as and when appropriate.
    • Identify opportunities for our product use to support charitable organisations.

    Our current nominated charity is Dream Drops, Huntingdonshire children’s charity. Whose aim is to raise money to buy all those little (and large) extras that are not covered by NHS public funds but which make a hospitality
    stay more comfortable – or less stressful – for children and their families.

    About Huntingdon Childrens Charity – Dreamdrops


    Dreamdrops aims to make life a little easier when it can be at it’s most stressful by providing all those little (and large) extras that are not covered by public funds. The charity’s work doesn’t just stop at the hospital door, as funds are also used to help sick children cared for at home.



    Huntingdon Childrens Charity – Dreamdrops Registered charity number 1108920

    environment & Sustainability Policy

    VIP-Polymers recognise that effective environmental management is a key determinant to sustainable development. Our aim is to establish and maintain comprehensive commitment, responsibilities and procedures to ensure all operations conform to government legislation and, therefore, minimise any adverse environmental impact to the community.

    The Directors require active participation from every member of the organisation in order to reduce the Company’s environmental impact and achieve the highest practicable standards in Environmental management.

    To achieve the above VIP-Polymers have designated the following:

    • Establishing achievable objectives and targets for management review, including related action programmes to demonstrate measurable continual improvement in environmental performance with regular reviews against the targets set.
    • Monitoring and controlling all processes/support activities that have an environmental impact, such that any pollution is minimised and that we comply with all relevant byelaws consents and authorisations.
    • Monitoring and controlling material usage at all stages of the process to minimise the generation of waste, maximise reuse or recycling and reduce the cost to landfill disposal.
    • Communicating this policy to all employees, contractors, and visitors on site so that they are aware of their duties and the requirements of the Company.
    • The policy will be communicated to all staff. 

    Further information and a break down of our current and future developments can be seen further on this page.

    Ethical Policy

    At VIP-Polymers, we are totally committed to trading in a fair manner with all our customers and

    VIP-Polymers take our legal and moral obligations very seriously in working to both prevent acts of
    bribery, anti-competitive behaviour, modern slavery, and illegal trading.

    All VIP-Polymers employees are trained in and bound by the company code of conduct, which covers
    the following:

    • Fair and Honest Dealing
      This will encompass colleagues, shareholders, customers, suppliers and competitors.
    • Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations
      This includes anti-trust laws, environmental laws, discrimination laws, political process, relations with
      government officials, integrity of records and compliance with accounting principles.
    • Conflicts of Interest
      Avoiding any relationship, activity, or ownership that might create a conflict between personal interest
      and that of the company.
    • Corporate Opportunities
      Not taking any business opportunity discovered as a result of employment with the company for personal
    • Protection & Proper Use of Assets and Resources
      Preserving and protecting both the company assets and resources, and ensuring their efficient use, for
      legitimate business purposes
    • Confidential Information
      Protecting all confidential information from unauthorised disclosure, including customer, supplier,
      business partners and employee data

    Prevention of Bribery Policy

    VIP-Polymers are totally committed to preventing and prohibiting acts of bribery and provide training for employees to ensure that all employees fully understand the various forms that bribery can effectively take, how to prevent it, and how to identify and report suspected acts of bribery. This is additionally supported by our policy, which gives clear rules and guidance to all employees on how to comply with the Bribery Act 2010


    • To act with integrity in all our business dealings.
    • To not tolerate any corrupt practises or acts of bribery.
    • To set clear expectations in our code of conduct for our suppliers.
    • To comply with our corporate obligations under the Bribery Act 2010

    Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy

    VIP-Polymers does not tolerate any form of modern slavery or human trafficking within our own business operations. We are also committed to protecting communities and individuals from the crime of modern slavery anywhere within out supply chain.


    • Continually evolve processes throughout our organisation that prevent the use of slavery or human trafficking, either in our own operations or across our supply chain.
    • Regularly review and assess the degree of risk to individuals and communities in each of our operational areas from modern slavery.
    • Identify and implement any steps required to prevent risks from affecting our employees or any other people connected with our supply chain.
    • Comply with our corporate obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

    Scope & Application


    The Environment Management System (EMS) is laid down in the policy and is interlinked with the Business Management System and associated Company Procedures. This system is applied to all activities undertaken by the Company.

    The Company Environmental System is compliant with BS EN ISO 14001.


    It will be of particular importance to Managers in understanding their responsibilities and their roles in
    implementing the EMS, as detailed in company documents, all parts of the management system are to comply
    with BS EN ISO 14001 Standard.

    The company will, through its EMS:
    • Allocate formal environmental responsibilities.
    • Provide environmental information, guidance and training that meets best practice.
    • Monitor, measure, audit and seek continuous improvement in its environmental performance.
    • Work with external agencies and bodies to ensure continued adoption of best practice solutions in
    environment management.
    • Promote the involvement of employees in environmental matters through clearly defined roles and
    responsibilities and access to relevant information and training.

    Carbon Footprint

    Our vision is to be a low carbon manufacturer gaining a competitive advantage by taking the lead. 

    Taking action on climate change delivers energy cost reductions, enhanced reputation, satisfied and motivated employees and stakeholders, the ability to proactively manage regulatory compliance, and competitive leadership through planning new business innovations.

    As part of our continued commitment to reduce our carbon footprint, the gauntlet has been firmly laid down to
    look at key areas where improvements are needed which could result in the most significant cost reductions.
    The following are the result of this research: –

    1. Paper
    • We will minimise the use of paper in the office.
    • We will reduce packaging as much as possible.
    • We will seek to buy recycled and recycle paper products.
    • We will reuse and recycle all paper where possible.
    • We will encourage all staff to double side print where possible.

    2. Energy and Water
    • We will seek to reduce the amount of energy used as much as possible.
    • Lights and electrical equipment will be switched off when not in use. (Although there are some
    systems already in place).
    • Heating will be adjusted with energy consumption in mind.
    • The energy consumption and efficiency of new products will be taken into account when purchasing.

    3. Office Supplies
    • We will evaluate if renting/sharing is an option before purchasing equipment.
    • We will evaluate the environmental impact of any new products we intend to purchase.
    • We will seek to buy more environmentally friendly and efficient products.
    • We will reuse and recycle everything we are able to.

    4. Transportation
    • We will reduce the need to travel, restricting to necessity trips only. Subcontract where necessary.
    • We will promote the use of travel alternatives such as e-mail or phone conferencing.
    • We will make additional efforts to accommodate the needs of those using public transport or
    • We will monitor the fuel type and consumption of vehicles, through lease programme, operating on
    the company’s behalf.

    5. Maintenance and Cleaning
    • We will work with contractors and suppliers to ensure all cleaning materials will be as
    environmentally friendly as possible.
    • Materials used in office refurbishment will be as environmentally friendly as possible.
    • We will only use license and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste.

    6. Monitoring and Improvement
    • We will comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.
    • We will continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
    • We will continually improve and reduce environmental impacts.
    • We will incorporate environmental factors into business decisions.
    • We will increase employee awareness through training.

    7. Culture
    • We will involve staff in the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved
    • We will provide staff with relevant environmental training.
    • We will use local labour and materials where available to reduce CO2 and help the community. 

    Energy & Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    We are committed to being as efficient as reasonably practicable in our use of natural resources in order to
    minimise both our impact on the environment and our energy expenditure.
    We will monitor and measure energy use across all sites and offices and the energy use of our vehicle fleet to
    quantify consumption and identify significant and abnormal energy use. 

    We will ensure that sufficient resource is available to review and analyse the energy usage data to identify where
    further efficiencies can be identified and to provide baseline information to set objectives against.
    We will raise awareness of energy efficiency throughout our employees and continue to train all our operators in
    efficient driving techniques and monitor and incentivise them to reduce their energy expenditure.

    We will consider the implications of our procurement decisions at an early stage and endeavour to purchase energy-efficient products and services, considering lifecycle information, to facilitate energy performance improvement within the business.


    This environmental policy applies to all our operations including management, office services, production, delivery and procurement. The SHEQ Manager is responsible for ensuring that the policy is implemented.

    1. Operations Director
    • Overall responsibility and accountability for environmental matters within VIP-Polymers Ltd.

    2. SHEQ Manager
    • Formal review of the EMS.
    • Assessment of aspects and impacts of company activities, products and services.
    • Development of Environmental Policy.
    • Development of EMS with defined objectives and targets.
    • Development of procedures to control activities.
    • Development of training and awareness programmes.
    • Manage the Quality Assurance Department function.
    • Develop a control system of records.
    • Auditing of system to ensure operating effectively.

    3. Purchasing Manager
    • Control of raw materials and costs and liaison with suppliers.

    4. Department Managers
    • Manage their department to meet the company’s Environmental Objectives and Targets.

    5. Employees
    • All employees are responsible for the environment aspects of the company, reducing their impact
    and ensuring that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.


    We will identify, measure, and manage our impact of our activities in order to mitigate the risk of any damage to ecosystems and habitats in order to protect biodiversity. 

    We will, as part of business strategy and review of business objectives and targets, look at new innovative or creative approaches to enhance habitats, biodiversity, and the community benefit this brings through the goods and services provided by VIP-Polymers Ltd.

    Monitoring / Evaluating / Auditing

    Progress against the environmental objectives will be monitored through monthly inspections and periodic internal audits. Internal audits will ensure we comply with applicable legislation, company procedures and relevant standards.


    This environment policy is available on request. If you wish to obtain a copy or would like to discuss our progress
    against our objectives, please telephone or email the SHEQ Manager on

    01480 411333 /  casey.graham@vip-polymers.com

    Our Significant Impacts will not be made public via our website. They can be made available if requested and at VIP-Polymers discretion.


    We will ensure that the resources are available to enable us to achieve our objectives and targets.